Today we conducted an experiment involving pennies and different household chemicals.  We asked the question, "Which household chemical cleans pennies the best---lemon juice, vinegar, oil, or soapy water?"  We learned that the chemical that is the most acidic cleans pennies the best.  Before we performed our experiment, we had to fill out our science notebooks and state the problem we were trying to solve, our hypothesis, and the procedures and materials for our experiment.  After our experiment, we had to write our results and make a conclusion about which liquid cleaned our pennies the best.  There was a tie between vinegar and lemon juice because they are both highly acidic. 

4/16/2013 09:40:24 am

told ya...............all of em XD


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    Our Unit

    This blog focuses on our science inquiry unit.  In class, we are also learning about chemistry. 


    April 2013

