Today we learned how to make instant ice cream using milk, ice, and salt!  We learned that when you add salt to ice, the freezing temperature lowers, making it faster to freeze.  Each team was assigned to a different type of milk----soy, fat-free, 2%, and 3% milk.  Teams had to put their bag of milk in a big bag of ice and salt to see which type of milk freezes the fastest.  We learned that soy milk freezes the fastest with a time of 5 minutes! 

4/16/2013 09:12:42 am

ooooooh ice cream........................................i like ice cream......................................so creamyyyyyyyyyyy and idk just so good oh and one more thing, can i have my ice cream that i made?

4/16/2013 09:38:42 am

I LIKE CHEESE!!!!! i want cheese now if u do not gimme cheese i will put in in your face and say "cheese!!!!"


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    Our Unit

    This blog focuses on our science inquiry unit.  In class, we are also learning about chemistry. 


    April 2013

